Saturday, July 07, 2007

The compression tests and other tips.

Having spent most of July 4th on my knees in front of the Westerbeke 27 in my boat. I discovered a few things. First I bought a DIESEL compression test kit and did another compression test myself. Contrary to Murphy's marine laws it actually contained a fitting that for the glowplug threads of my engine. The readings after two tests were as follows:

190 psi, 290 psi, 400 psi, 375, psi

These readings are in contrast to the mechanics readings of a few weeks ago 170, 170, 180,182. One of us is wrong. I kind of feel mine are more accurate especially since I did mine twice. As recommended by people and books I put a little oil into the cylinder reading 190 and did another test and the reading rose to 250 psi.

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