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BIANKA is the world's first electric powered Nonsuch. Check in to see what new "adventures" Mike and BIANKA have been on lately and what repairs and projects are going on board.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Having a boat with electric propulsion has some added benefits thanks to some of the on board power systems I use. One is the Honda 2000i generator which I use for battery charging at anchor and also when electro-sailing when the wind dies. The second is the 10 kilowatt AGM battery bank it's self. Thanks to the AMES 48 volt 1500 watt sine wave inverter I can tap into it and use 120 volt tools and devices like the Zojirushi bread maker. Though some of these are not necessary it enhances the cruising experience and helps maintain the boat. Another item I recently added on board is a DBTech Multi-Purpose Pressurized Steam Cleaner. Again not a necessary item but, it helps clean and sterilizes with it's steam. Often a lot easier than with other methods. I've used a steam cleaner on board before a few years ago when I started the process of converting BIANKA's now unused fuel tank into wash down water tank. Back then I used the heavily advertise Scunci Steam cleaner. It work well in cleaning the grime from the decades of use in the old fuel tank. I also used it at home. But, unfortunately it did not last. Rather than buy a new one I decided to see if the cheaper steam cleaner from DB Tech would do the job and save a few bucks in the process. So far it has. First let's look at what comes with the DB Tech steam cleaner:
The accessories are very similar to those that come with the more expensive Scunsi cleaner. The only negative is the DB Tech does not hold has much water as the Scunci but, I have not found it to be limiting especially when cleaning the smaller areas on the boat. Even in my home kitchen I had plenty of steam for most cleaning chores before refilling. How does it clean? Here's an example of it in action cleaning the spill area of my boats burner area of grease and grime that had accumulated :
I'm very pleased with the DBTech Multi-Purpose Pressurized Steam Cleaner and like having it on board to help with cleaning. Though since I replaced the Diesel engine with electric propulsion the boat especially the bilge does not get as dirty these days. But, if you still have a diesel and the accompanying grime and oil stains that come with it. You may find the DB Tech Steam Cleaner even more useful.
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